TEAM UNCHAINED Peaking- Coach Breakdown

It’s timmmmmmmme!!!! * Mariah Carrey voice *

It's FINALLY time to get heavy and build to new 1 rep maxes to show off all of the hard work you have put in this year!

But we don’t just go into the gym, put a lot of weight on the bar, and try a max. Peak your strength the smart way. If you want to find your TRUE MAX STRENGTH it takes proper planning and a smart approach!

Check out the cycle breakdown video by coach Christy to understand the plan of attack to end 2023 with PRs!

In this video, I'll be explaining our upcoming powerlifting peaking program, starting on November 20th. We'll be focusing on achieving maximal fitness with minimal fatigue, which will lead to improved performance, specifically in terms of maximal strength. I'll discuss why peaking is important, especially for intermediate lifters, and how it differs from constantly trying to PR. I'll also outline the structure of the program, including heavy doubles, heavy singles, and back down sets for different lifts. Make sure to watch the video to get all the details and prepare for some exciting PRs!

What is Peaking?

Peaking is maximized preparedness at a specific time. We do this by dropping fatigue while maximizing our “fitness”. In our case this means that we are lowering the volume (reps) and maximizing intensity (weight).

Exercise Selection

It is SO important to be specific when peaking for powerlifting. This is not the time for crazy variations. We are focused on one goal; show our maximum strength on the platform. Our main exercises stay true to the SBD and we have secondary exercises to support your main lifts.

On bench day we use a board press to overload your lockout and get you mentally prepared for heavier weight! You can also sub for pin press if you do not have boards. On deadlift day we use block pulls to add a little extra volume without more taxing full ROM deadlifts. If you are a sumo puller these are fun to use as an overload tool as well.

Press II day backs off of the main shoulder work this cycle. Our main goal is to get a bench press PR so the exercises on this day support that. Floor press will help your raw bench strength without adding too much additional strain on your shoulders.

Big bad b00ty day has dropped intensity so that you aren’t too fatigued the following week for squats. Use this day to get a pump and recover your leg muscles. This should be a “feel good” session not a “RIP my legs I hate my life and can’t go up the stairs” workout. Don’t worry, the extra b00ty work will double in the next cycle… * evil laugh *

And last but not least let’s not forget about our additional pull-up and dip goals!!!!!! We have been pushing these hard! And I hope to see a bunch of first pull-ups and dips by the end of this cycle!


You have the option of a 3-5 day program. If you can only do 3 days make sure you stick with the squat, bench, and deadlift workouts (days 1-3). If you can do a 4 day split then combine the first 2-3 exercises from the secondary press and Big Bad B00ty Day (days 4-5).

It would be the best Christmas present to see my team PR!!!!!




TEAM UNCHAINED Strength Cycle- Coach Breakdown