not another “get toned” program

Team Unchained is making sure we are starting 2024 FIT and FERGALICIOUS!

This time of year you get bombarded by weight loss fads and messages about “getting toned”.You will see influencers throwing out a different random workout every week.  But what does being “fit” mean anyway?! 

Our goal on Team Unchained is to BE strong and FEEL like badasses. Building our fitness level means doing more reps and decreasing rest times on a progressive program. We do variations of squat, bench, deadlift, and do accessories that will challenge you to get out of your normal strict strength movements..and even a little conditioning like the bike, kettlebells, battle ropes, and/or jump rope!

Now is the time to set the pace for 2024. Lay the base of FITNESS to carry you into our future muscle building and strength cycles. 

In this video, I'll be explaining our upcoming fitness phase, starting on 1/01/2024.

Who is this cycle for?

This program is for anyone who wants to improve themselves this year. Fitness is the foundation for success when it comes to powerlifting, building muscle, and getting stronger. If you want to get conditioned, lose body fat, become more athletic, and become even more badass then this team is for you!

I powerlift.. why do I need a “fitness” phase?

We just got done hitting big maxes and hammering our bodies with heavy weights. It’s time to give our joints, nervous system, and mind a break.

Gains are made in the offseason and there is a lot to gain in a fitness cycle! A fitness cycle allows you to train variations and work on weak points you normally don’t have the bandwidth for in a strength or peaking cycle.

Conditioning had gone to the wayside while focusing on maxing out. By increasing our volume and getting more movement in we will become better athletes and healthier in the long run.

This is also a great time to focus on body composition goals!

Exercise Selection

Now we can take a break from the big three and focus more on variation. This will provide new muscle stimulus, prevent overuse injuries, and strengthen weak points. Let me highlight a few of the variations of movements we will be doing!

Squat Day

Box squats are a great tool for newer lifts to improve positional awareness and full-body tightness in the squat. More seasoned lifters can use this variation to have more explosive and powerful hip-dominant squats. The way this cycle breaks up the sets and reps in EMOM style is geared towards this goal. They are also good for those whose knees need a break from full ROM squats.

If you would rather work on your quad power, you can sub for the front squat, SSB squat, or either variation to a box.

Bench Day

Close grip bench press is awesome at building strong triceps. The triceps are key to a big bench press and powerful lockout! Often this is overlooked in normal strength programs that emphasize just the chest. You will be very pleasantly surprised by how much easier your standard bench will become and how more defined triceps will shape your arms!

Deadlift Day

Choose between trap bar or opposite stance deadlifts. This is your change to work on your weaknesses without the pressure of lifting max weight.

Choose Trap Bar if:

  • You have trouble off the floor in the deadlift

  • Conventional deadlifts hurt your back

Choose Sumo Deadlift:

  • If you normally do conventional and want more quad/adductor work

  • Conventional deadlifts hurt your back

Choose Conventional Deadlift:

  • You normally pull sumo and want to strengthen your back

  • You need more posterior chain strength


You have the option of a 3-5 day program. If you can only do 3 days make sure you stick with the squat, bench, and deadlift workouts (days 1-3). If you can do a 4 day split then combine the first 2-3 exercises from the secondary press and Big Bad B00ty Day (days 4-5).

I want us all to go into 2024 becoming the best versions of ourselves! Let’s lay the foundation for your strongest and most badass year yet in the Fergalicious Fitness phase!

And for those who REALLY want to make 2024 the best year ever take advantage of our New Year’s Sale for 24% off a full year! If you already are a member, please email with the promo code for them to set this offer up on yoru account. If you are new then you can simply use the promo code 24FORTHEYEAR at checkout!


TEAM UNCHAINED- Hypertrophy Phase


TEAM UNCHAINED Peaking- Coach Breakdown