This is a 4 week fitness cycle that will push your conditioning and make you F-E-R-G-A-L-I-S-C-I-O-U-S! Yes, we put a lot of fergie references in this program… who said conditioning couldn’t be fun?!
Building our fitness level means doing more reps and decreasing rest times on a progressive program. We do variations of squat, bench, deadlift, and do accessories that will challenge you to get out of your normal strict strength movements..and even a little conditioning like the bike, kettlebells, battle ropes, and/or jump rope!
Lay the base of FITNESS to carry you into our future muscle building and strength cycles.
GOAL: Increase conditioning and overall work capacity
Exercise Selection
Squat Day: Choose between box squats, front squat, or SSB squat.
Bench Day: Close grip bench press
Deadlift Day: Choose between trap bar or opposite stance deadlifts. This is your change to work on your weaknesses without the pressure of lifting max weight.
Program Days:
Day 1: Squats
Day 2: Bench
Day 3: Deadlift
Day 4: Secondary Press/Shoulders
Day5: Bid Bad B00ty Day (extra lower body day with glute focus!)
3-5 Days Options
You are provided 5 workouts a week but if you need to condense into 3 days, it is recommended you stick to just squat, bench, and deadlift.
If you want to do 4 days then you would do squat, bench, deadlift, and then combine the first 2-3 exercises from shoulders and big bad booty day.
Who is Fergaliscious Fitness For?
Fitness is the foundation for success when it comes to powerlifting, building muscle, and getting stronger.
If you want to get conditioned, lose body fat, become more athletic, and become even more badass then this cycle is for you!
“I powerlift.. why do I need a “fitness” phase?”
If you just got done hitting big maxes and hammering your body with heavy weights. It’s time to give our joints, nervous system, and mind a break.
Gains are made in the offseason and there is a lot to gain in a fitness cycle! A fitness cycle allows you to train variations and work on weak points you normally don’t have the bandwidth for in a strength or peaking cycle.
Conditioning may go to the wayside while focusing on strength. By increasing your volume and getting more movement you will become a better athlete and healthier in the long run.
This is also a great time to focus on body composition goals without the pressure of having to be your strongest.
If it has been awhile since you have been “serious” about lifting, a fitness phase is a good way to get back into moving your body and pushing yourself without shocking yourself with maximal weights!
Don’t worry we have all your warm-ups and accessories included in the program!
Ask coach Christy for modifications to exercises if additional support is needed
Equipment needed
We Recognize that everyone is going to have access to different equipment. We best to offer a solution in the notes on the best substitution for every non barbell/dumbbell exercise. If you need additional support please ask Coach Christy in the program chat box.
Necessary Equipment:
Squat Rack
Wide Variety of DB’s
Some type of cardio equipment (rower, bike, treadmill, sled ect)
Recommended Equipment
Cable Machine
Battle Ropes
Trap Bar (if that is your variation of choice)
Check it out! Here is a sneak preview of just one of the days of the Fergie Fitness cycle!