Body like a wrecking ball

A body like a wrecking ball is BUILT but also EXPLOSIVE! This cycle uses movements that are BEST for hypertrophy while supporting your powerlifts. It’s about to be a party in the U.S.!

The goal: Build juicy muscles and turn our bodies into a wrecking ball by maintaining explosiveness & conditioning!

Training should be FUN! That is why we chose our Miley Cyrus theme, we like to get a little creative and maybe sometimes corny. Yes, Miley get’s praised for her great arms from pilates.. but this isn’t about her body. This is about being bold, training hard, and walking into the gym like you are going to wreck the place!

You will see a lot of Miley references in this program. Don’t be fooled by the cheeky names, each exercise of this program has a purpose!

The first movement of the day, the “Bangerz Set," will be a variation of the Big 3. It will keep an explosive power focus so that you stay SHARP! The rest of the workout will have a muscle building focus using progressive overload and well-controlled movement.

Then, we end with the “Wrecking Ball” set, an Isolation movement we can safely take to failure so you leave knowing you gave your workout your all!

We also have optional quick conditioning at the end of each workout!

At the end of 8 weeks you will fall in love with training all over again and be proud of the machine you have built!


This cycle we will be naming the days after muscle groups rather than the main movement since our focus is more on building muscles than our strength numbers.

Day 1: Legs

Day 2: Bench/Tris

Day 3: Back/Bis

Day 4: Big Bad B00ty

Day 5: Shoulders

Don’t have the schedule for all 5 days?! That’s ok!

📆 3-5 day split

- 3-day split: Do days 1-3 (Legs, Back, Chest)

- 4-day split: Do days 1-3 and combine the first three exercises of days 4 & 5

- 5-day split: do all of the days!


Let’s throw % out the window for a second! I know we get RPE anxiety.. But this is the perfect time to learn to listen to your body and start to trust your instincts. It’s ok if you overdo it or sandbag sometimes, but take that experience and learn from it! Ask yourself, am I pushing myself hard enough? Or am I pushing myself too far and my form is breaking down?

Main Lifts:

We are using RPE for our “Bangerz Set”! It is all about remaining explosive and speedy! Do not stress too much about the weight here! The intent is to move the weight powerfully. If your lifts slow down too much please drop the weight but keep the same prescribed reps. We are training your body to be FAST!


We have chosen exercises that will get you out of your normal SBD and move you in different ways. This is really good for you, and it’s the perfect time to try new variations!

During the first week of the program, you should focus on perfecting your form and determining the appropriate weights to start with. Make sure you can perform each exercise perfectly before increasing the weight. For the major exercises (the 2nd & 3rd in your workout), aim to have a couple of reps left in the tank. As the program progresses, you can push closer to failure. Some days you'll be able to go all out, while on other days you may need to hold back. As long as you see improvement in the number of reps or the weight you're lifting over the course of the program, you'll know you've been pushing yourself enough to build muscle.

Bangerz Set:

Remember that the first exercise in the program is the "Bangerz Set." This is meant to be your power movement for the day, so the goal is to move the weight with force. You can use resistance bands for the squat or for the incline/flat bench press. This will help maintain your sharpness and ensure that you don't lose power over the next 8 weeks.

Wrecking Ball Set:

How do you know if you have put enough effort into your workout to build muscle? You must understand what true failure means! It's best to do this on isolation movements as they are safer than, for example, a squat AMRAP.

After your wrecking ball set, you should leave the gym feeling slightly like a baby deer or noodle arms but very accomplished!


There is optional conditioning at the end of each workout. Please complete it at least twice a week. If you don’t have enough time after your workout, you can do it on a separate day!


For powerlifters and strength trainees, the focus is often on moving upwards as quickly as possible, while controlling the descent just enough to prepare for a good repetition. At times, though, we might compromise the range of motion by using techniques like arching in the bench press, using a sumo stance, or adjusting the bar position. However, when it comes to building muscle, it's important to prioritize good range of motion and increase the time under tension.

We've included some tempo recommendations for exercises to help you maintain proper form and experience lifting in a new way. It's okay to slow down and get more out of each repetition!

Of course, we don't want the tempo to be so restrictive that it hinders our ability to progress with heavier weights. There's a balance to strike here!

How do you interpret the tempo numbers?!

The first of the 3 digits is how long you take to LOWER the weight. -The second digit is how long to pause at the bottom. -The third digit is how quickly you LIFT the weight. 

ex. "3-1-0" =  lower 3s, pause 1s, and then explode up!

If you are a newer lifter and get overwhelmed by the tempo, just go for slow and controlled sets (besides the Bangerz sets!).

Party ain't nothing but a party when you party everyday, ain't nothing but a party

This is going to be a freaking 8 week PARTY!!! This is my favorite program so far because it combines power, building, and conditioning. I know the team will put in the effort to get great results!

Not part of the team?! Join US for free week trial and see what the hype is all about!


Villain Era


Squat Weak Links